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12.01.2015 | 15:30—17:30 | Max-Planck-Haus

Max Planck Lecture Series Prof. Anne Orford "Civil War, Intervention, and International Law"

Anne Orford, Professor of International Law at the University of Melbourne, will give a presentation entitled "Civil War, Intervention, and International Law".

Whether, and under what conditions, external actors can intervene in civil wars is one of the most pressing questions of contemporary international law and politics. The intensity of debates about the legality of US intervention in Iraq and Syria on the one hand, and Russian intervention in Ukraine on the other, illustrates the urgency of this question and the difficulty of finding general principles to address it. The lecture will evaluate the transformations that have taken place in the practice of international intervention in the context of protecting civilians and fighting terrorism. It will suggest that new legal concepts and frameworks are needed to make sense of the changing roles and responsibilities of external actors in the context of civil war.



Dezember 14

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