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Sie befinden sich hier: Aktuelles Veranstaltungen Vorlesungen, Seminare & Übungen Archiv Wintersemester 2016/2017-Sommersemester 2015

Wintersemester 2016/2017-Sommersemester 2015

Colloquium: Current Developments in International Law

Juristische Fakultät, Universität Heidelberg
Sommersemester 2015

Dr. Christian Marxsen (Convener)

montags, zwei-wöchentlich, 18 Uhr (ct).
Max Planck Institute, Im Neuenheimer Feld 535, Heidelberg, Room 014.

This bi-weekly course addresses current developments in public international law. It aims to introduce students to selected topics of general international law scholarship as well as of specific research projects. The colloquium is open to all those interested in international law, newcomers to the field, more advanced students of the “Schwerpunktbereich Völkerrecht” as well as students from other faculties. The classes are taught by researchers of the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law. Classes are held either in English or German (as indicated by the language of the titles).
No registration required. Erasmus students may obtain a certificate for 2 ECTS points (requirements: presence and participation in class, short essay).
Dates and Topics

20.04.2015 Prof. Dr. Anne Peters – Korruption als Menschenrechtsverletzung?

04.05.2015 Dr. Paulina Starski – Selbstverteidigung gegen nicht-staatliche Akteure? Neueste Entwicklungen im Recht der Staatenverantwortlichkeit.

18.05.2015 Carolyn Moser – Peace-keeping quo vadis?

01.06.2015 Raphael Schäfer – Aktuelle Probleme des humanitären Völkerrechts.

15.06.2015 Dr. Anuscheh Farahat – Internationales Sozial und Flüchtlingsrecht.

29.06.2015 Dr. Matthias Hartwig – Das völkerrechtliche Gewaltverbot im Lichte des Russland-Ukraine Konflikts.

13.07.2015 Dr. Mieke van der Linden – Historicizing international law. On the importance of historical research for international legal scholarship.
