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Sie befinden sich hier: Forschen am Institut Gesprächs- und Arbeitsformate Gesprächskreise MPIL Agora MPIL Agora Archiv

MPIL Agora Archiv

10.04.2024 MPIL Agora mit Guido Casavecchia: "COVID-19 and The Italian Constitutional Court"; Hans Lind: "The Artistic Protection Acts: Paradigm Changes in United States First Amendment Jurisprudence?" und Paul Weismann: "Selected Questions on Fundamental Rights Protection in EU Banking Law".

20.03.2024 MPIL Agora mit Victoria Dhaisne: "The Extraterritorial Scope of International Human Rights Instruments" und Maciej Grześkowiak: "The Gap Between the Principle of Temporary Refuge and Asylum: How the International Refugee Regime Perpetuates Emergencies".

21.02.2024 MPIL Agora mit Nicolas Lamp: "The Rise and Fall of the Market Metaphor of International Trade Lawmaking".

10.01.2024 MPIL Agora mit Szymon Kucharski: "Solution Hidden in a Glass of Water: Accommodating Forced Climate Migrations in International Law" und Angelo Raffaele Salerno: "Constitution and Punitive Power: Changes in Italian Constitutional Jurisprudence". 

20.12.2023 MPIL Agora mit  Cecilia Jacob: "The Human Protection Transnational Legal Order: Humanization of International Law and Accountability Norms" und SUN Yi: "Constitutional Review of Treaties?: An International Legal Assessment of German, French, and Dutch Practice from a Functionalist Perspective". 

15.11.2023 MPIL Agora mit Peri Uran Murphy: 'Rethinking the "Turkish Type Presidential System"' und Nathaniel Boyd: "Changing Circumstances for the International Rule Of Law".

18.10.2023 MPIL Agora mit Sek Lun Cheong: "From Investor Due Diligence to Human Rights Due Diligence in International Investment Law" und Zhang Qiyue: "Collaborative Governance of Climate Change and the Marine Environment: Observations of ITLOS Advisory Proceeding on Climate Change and International Law".

14.06.2023 MPIL Agora mit Moumita Mandal: "The Role of Climate Change in Exacerbating Sexual and Gender-Based Violence against Women: A New Challenge for International Law" und Ali Sharifi: "Objective International liability".


31.05.2023 MPIL Agora mit Veerl Platvoet "The Importance of Animal Welfare in Wild Animal Law" und Pierre Lesaffre: "Arbitrariness in International Law".


01.02.2023 MPIL Agora mit Thalia Viveros Uehara: "The Fundamental Rights to Life and Health in Climate Litigation: Insights from Latin America". 


07.12. 2022   Max Hofmann: "Der Informationsanspruch im Staat des digitalen Zeitalters"


Yanwen Zhang (Doktorandin, Faculty of Laws, University College London (UCL)) referierte über folgendes Thema: "The Historical Roots and Institutional Reforms of Investor-State Dispute Settlement: A Public International Law Perspective".


Yutaka Arai-Takahashi hielt einen Vortrag mit dem Titel: “Demystification of the Tadic Appeals Judgment and the responsibility of a State for non-State actors under International Humanitarian Law (IHL)”.

Jitte Akkermans folgte mit dem Thema: “Equal consideration for the competences of the Member States: what the ECJ can learn from the Belgian Constitutional Court”.


Nadja Reimold stellte ihre Dissertation zu dem Thema "Acquired Rights of Individuals and State Succession" vor.


Jahid Hossain Bhuiyan referierte über das Thema: "Contested Secularism in Bangladesh".


Julia Meier referierte über das Thema: "Substantive Limitations on Amending the Swiss Federal Constitution".


Laura Letourneux referierte über Repetitive Conduct in the Law of State Responsibility. 

Es folgte ein Vortrag von Manuel Monteagudo über Macroeconomic Stability and the Economic Constitution in the Pacific Alliance: Possibilities of Future Institutional Evolutions.



Ziv Bohrer (Faculty of Law, Bar-Ilan University, Israel) trug zu dem Thema "Nuremberg Was Not the First International Criminal Tribunal - by a Longshot: The Long (Forgotten) Pre-WW2 History of International Criminal Law"

Michael J. Moffatt (Section for International Law and International Relations, University of Vienna, Austria) folgte mit einem Vortrag "Quod licet Jovi non licet Bovi: Double Standards – Feature or Affliction of the International Legal Order? 


Gergö Balázs thematisierte die Frage: Can attacks against embassies serve as basis for the invocation of self-defence?


Giulia Ciliberto referierte über das Thema: Where in the Eurozone is IHRL? Challenges to the Effective Protection of Socio-economic Rights in the Aftermath of the Sovereign Debt Crisis.

Im Anschluss folgte ein Vortrag von Federica Merenda über: Autonomous Weapons Systems (AWS): The Ethical and Legal Challenges of Having Robots Apply International Humanitarian Law


Janne Mende diskutierte das Thema "Private Authority and Companies as Hybrid Actors: Developments of Business Responsibilities for Human Rights".


Elisabetta Tatì hielt einen Vortrag mit dem Titel "European Cities' Recent Legal Actions in EU Institutions: Towards Stronger Urban Power?".


Dr. Nuria Saura hielt einen Vortrag mit dem Titel "The Right to Promote and Protect Human Rights".

Im Anschluss trug Gabriela Navarro zu "The Inter-American Jurisprudence on Indigenous Land Rights" vor.


Andreas Orator zur Zeit Max Planck Grantee, hielt einen Vortrag mit dem Titel "EU Constitutional Development since the Treaty of Lisbon: From Revision to Change?"

Im Anschluss folgte Irini Papanicolopulu (Associate Professor of International Law at the University of Milano-Bicocca Italy) mit ihrem Vortrag "The Past and Present of the Duty to Rescue at Sea" 


Tamas Dezso Ziegler (Eötvös Loránd University/ Institute for Legal Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, both in Hungary) hilet einen Vortrag mit dem Thema "Fundamental Rights in the Higher Education Within the EU: Why the Market is a Bad Reference Point". 

Douglas Howland (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee). Sein Vortrag trug den Titel "Sovereign Claims and Possessions – The Beginnings of the Territorial State".

23.08. 2018

Cosimo Gabbani (Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies) hielt einen Vortrag über "Ineffectiveness of Administrative Punishments: Legal Consequences Under a MultiLevel Perspective"
Francesca Iurlaro (European University Institute) referierte über "Unpuzzling Customary International Law (CIL): the “Invention” of Customary Law of Nations from Francisco de Vitoria to Emer de Vattel"


Amineh Farasatmand (Faculty of Law and Political Science/University of Tehran) hielt einen Vortrag über "Can Proportionality Make a Balance Between Interests of Foreign Investors and Hosting States?"
Jenny Poon (Faculty of Law, University of Western Ontario, Canada) referierte über "Dynamism of Non-Refoulement Through Time: Relevance for Future International Protection?"

26.04. 2018 Prof. B.S. Chimni hielt einen Vortrag über "Capitalism and Jurisdiction in International Law: A Conspectus of Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Over Time."

5.04.2018 Diego Bonetto, Sciences Po Law School, Paris/ University of Turin hielt einen Vortrag über "What is in the Bottle? An Analysis of Water Distribution, Scarcity, and Commodification".

22.03.2018 Im Rahmen der gemeinsamen Sitzung der Theory Talks-Agora gab Prof. B.S. Chimni eine kurze Einführung zu TWAIL, basierend, unter anderem, auf seinem eigenen Artikel.

22.02.2018 Sebastian M. Spitra, Universität Wien und im Anschluß Germán M. Teruel Lonzano, Universität Murcia (Spanien) hielten die folgenden Vorträge:

17.01.2018 Volkan Aslan (Istanbul University, Türkei) und anschließend Frauke Renz (University of Bern, Schweiz) hielten die folgenden Vorträge:

14.12.2017 Es referierte Kubo Mačák (University of Exeter, Großbritannien) zu dem Thema "Old Wine, New Bottles? Challenges for the Application of the Law of Targeting in Cyberspace and Outer Space".

16.11.2017 Es referierten Lori Damrosch (Columbia Law School, New York) und anschließend Rebecca E. Khan (Central European University, Budapest).

11.10.2017  Professor Giulio Napolitano (University of Roma Tre) referierte zum Thema "The Transformations of Comparative Administrative Law".

9.08.2017 es referierte Ji Hua über "Common but Differentiated Responsibilities in the Paris Agreement: Meanings, Approaches and Implications".

20.07.2017 Es referierten Viktoriia Lapa und anschließend José Gustavo Prieto Muñoz.

21.06.2017 Nesa Zimmermann referierte zu dem Thema "From rhetoric to legal concept and back: vulnerability in the case law of the European Court of Human Rights".

23.05.2017 Ilja Richard Pavone hat einen Vortrag zum Thema "Towards a EU Animal Welfare Law? Animal Testing in the Context of the European Union: Reflections on the Directive 2010/63/EU and Its Transposition in Germany and in Italy" gehalten.

20.04.2017 Juan Herrera hat zu dem Thema “The Right of Cultural Minorities to Binding Consent: A Case Study of Judicial Dialogue in the Framework of a Ius Constitutionale Commune en América Latina” vorgetragen.

23.03.2017  Leiry Cornejo Chávez berichtete von Ihren aktuellen Forschungen.