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You are here: Publications Archive Deutsche Rechtsprechung in völkerrechtlichen Fragen 1995

Deutsche Rechtsprechung in völkerrechtlichen Fragen 1995

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Volker Röben


I. International Law and Municipal Law
II. Succession of States
III. International Treaties
IV. International Organisations
1. Notion
2. Implementation of acts of International Organisations
a) United Nations
b) Other organisations
V. Effects and Limits of State Sovereignty
1. Limits as to the exercise of jurisdiction
2. Recognition of foreign acts
VI. Nationality
1. Acquisition of nationality
2. Legal status of nationals abroad
3. Multiple nationality
4. Statelessness
VII. Agencies of Diplomatic and Consular Affairs
VIII. Legal Status of Aliens
1. General aspects of entry and residence
2. Expulsion and deportation
IX. Asylum
1. Political persecution
a) Notion
b) Religious minimum standard
c) Persecution by private persons (indirect persecution by states)
2. Protection found elsewhere in the state
3. Protection by other states
4. Family members of refugees
5. Legal status of refugees
6. Procedure
X. Legal Status of Persons of German Extraction
XI. Extradition and other Forms of International Legal Cooperation
XII. International Protection of Human Rights
1. European Convention on Human Rights
a) Death penalty (Art. 2 Para. 1 Sent. 2 ECHR, 4th Additional Protocol)
b) Art. 3 ECHR as a bar to expulsion and deportation
c) Proceedings by which the lawfulness of one's detention is decided by a court (Art. 5 Para. 4 ECHR)
d) Right to fair trial (Art. 6 Para. 1 Sent. 1 ECHR)
e) Length of procedure (Art. 6 Para. 1 Sent. 1 ECHR)
f) Presumption of innocence (Art. 6 Para. 2 ECHR)
g) Right to be informed in a language one understands (Art. 6 Para. 3 lit. a) ECHR)
h) Protection of private and family life (Art. 8 ECHR)
2. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
3. Universal Declaration on Human Rights
4. Convention on the Rights of the Child
XIII. European Communities
1. Community law and municipal law
2. Prohibition of discrimination
3. Free movement of goods
4. Free movement of persons
5. Free establishment
6. Agriculture
7. Competition/Antitrust Law
8. Environmental policy
9. Fiscal policy
10. Corporations
11. Equality of men and women (Art. 119 EC Treaty)
12. Association agreement EC-Turkey
13. Reference procedure (Art. 177 EC Treaty)
XIV. Legal Status of Germany after 1945 and German Unification