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Sie befinden sich hier: Institut Personen Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter/innen et al. Schultheiss, Christian

Christian Schultheiss

PhD (Cantab), Referent


Meerespolitik; Seerecht; maritime Sicherheit; Konfliktlösung; Europäische Sicherheit

Wissenschaftlicher Werdegang:

Dr. Christian Schultheiss ist Senior Research Fellow in der Max Planck Forschungsgruppe ENSURE (European security revisited). Seine Forschung befasst sich mit Meerespolitik, maritimer Sicherheit, Seerecht und maritimen Konflikten. Er promovierte an der Universität Cambridge mit einer Arbeit über die Dispute im ost- und südchinesischen Meer und war Gastwissenschaftler an Instituten in den Philippinen, Singapur, Japan und China. Zuletzt war er außenpolitischer Berater des Europäischen Auswärtigen Dienstes für maritime Sicherheit in Asien.

Aktuelle Publikationen

  • Ocean Governance and Conflict in the East and South China Sea: Negotiating Natural Resources, Institutions and Power. Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam, 2024, 300 S.
  • Mid-Term Review of the Project: Critical Maritime Routes Indo-Pacific II (CRIMARIO II). Report commissioned by the European Commission, Brussels, 2024, 99 S.
  • What Has China’s Lawfare Achieved in the South China Sea? In: ISEAS Perspectives 51, 1-9 (2023), ISSN 2335-6677.
  • La Chine et les limites conceptuelles et pratiques de la guerre juridique en mer de Chine méridionale. In: Revue Défense Nationale 852, 31-37 (2022).
  • ‘One of the First Matters to Be Addressed but Distinct’ or ‘Distinct but Inseparable’? The Distinction Between Maritime Entitlement and Sea Boundary Delimitation in the Philippines v. China Arbitration. In: Asian Journal of International Law 1, 24-35 (2021). doi:
  • Overcoming Violence in Maritime Conflicts with Provisional Arrangements: A Legal Tool for Conflict Resolution. In: International Law and Peace Settlements, Marc Weller Marc Retter Andrea Varga (Hrsg.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2021, 525-544.
  • Joint Development of Hydrocarbon Resources in the South China Sea After the Philippines Versus China Arbitration? In: Ocean Development & International Law 51, 241-262 (2020). doi:


Weitere Publikationen

  • Strategies for Conflict Management and Maritime Cooperation in the South China Sea and Indian Ocean. Report commissioned by the Delegation of the European Union to the People’s Republic of China, Beijing, 2021, 25 S.
  • China, the EU and Maritime Security in the Indo-Pacific: Options and Recommendations. Report commissioned by the Delegation of the European Union to the People’s Republic of China, Beijing, 2019, 25 S.
  • Challenges for Joint Development in the South China Sea. In: Sense and Sensibility. Addressing the South China Sea Disputes, Eva Pejsova (Hrsg.). EUISS, Brüssel 2016, 34-44.


22.11.2023 - 24.11.2023

Maritime Security Challenges and the quest for greater domain awareness in the Indo-Pacific

Christian Schultheiss nimmt an den Panel-Diskussionen "Maritime Security Challenges and the quest for greater domain awareness in the Indo-Pacific" während der 3. SHARE.IT Konferenz teil.

UNODC, Bangkok, Thailand

16.08.2023 - 17.08.2023

The impact of the Arbitral Award of 2016 seven years hence

Dialogue on Maritime Governance in the South China Sea

Manila, Philippinen

03.05.2023 - 05.05.2023

UNCLOS, maritime dispute settlement and security in the Indo-Pacific

Seminar des European Security and Defense College für indo-pazifische Partnerländer und die EU


30.11.2022 - 01.12.2022

Christian Schultheiss moderiert Podiumsdiskussionen während des 4th ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) Workshop on Implementing the Law of the Sea Convention (UNCLOS) and Other International Instruments.

Hanoi, Vietnam


Maritime Security Challenges in ASEAN

2nd EU-IDFR Diplomacy Course 2022: 45 Years of ASEAN-EU Relations and the Road Ahead

28.06.2022 - 30.06.2022

Guidelines for incident prevention for maritime law enforcement agencies - state of play and next steps

EU-ASEAN Security and Defence Policy Seminar


06.04.2022 - 07.04.2022

Principles and non-binding guidelines for interaction and cooperation between maritime law enforcement agencies at sea

4th ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) Workshop on Enhancing Regional Maritime Law Enforcement Cooperation

26.05.2021 - 27.05.2021

Agreements for provisional cooperation and conflict management in the South China Sea – achievements, obstacles and options

2nd EU-China Experts’ Meeting on Maritime Security

Beijing, China


Sommersemester 2023

Völkerrechtliches Kolloquium - Law of the Sea and Dispute Settlement


Teilnahme an Tagungen im In- und Ausland

First Steering Committee Meeting of IORIS, eine Plattform der Seeraumüberwachung für Marinen und Küstenwachen im Indo-Pazifik, Bali, Indonesien, 03.05.2023 - 05.05.2023