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Sie befinden sich hier: Publikationen Archiv Völkerrechtliche Praxis der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1997

Völkerrechtliche Praxis der Bundesrepublik Deutschland im Jahre 1997

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Roland Bank

XIII. Umwelt- und Naturschutz

6. Artenschutz und biologische Vielfalt

     178. Im zweiten Ausschuß der VN-Generalversammlung nahm der Vertreter Luxemburgs für die Europäische Union Stellung zu Fragen der biologischen Vielfalt:

"With regard to the implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity, the European Union believed that the design and implementation of national strategies, plans and programs in accordance with Art. 6 of the Convention, continued to be of particular importance. At the 1996 Conference of the Parties, it had been decided that such national strategies should include conservation of biological diversity in situ and ex situ, integration of biodiversity in relevant sector policies and equitable distribution of the benefits derived from the use of genetic resources. The European Union would participate actively in implementing the multi-year program aimed at mitigating the negative effects of agriculture on biodiversity."288

    288 UN Doc. A/C. 2/52/SR.31, 5.