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Priv.-Doz. Dr. Janne Mende

Senior Research Group Leader
Tel. +49 (6221) 482-635

Main Fields of Research:

Global Governance and Transnationalization, International Institutions, United Nations, European Union, Human Rights, Climate Governance and Sustainability, Business and Human Rights, Non-State Governance Actors, Authority, Legitimacy and Power, Qualitative Research in International Organizations, Theories of International Relations, International Political Theory

Biographical Note

Janne Mende is a political scientist with a specialization in International Relations. The awardee of the Franz-Xaver-Kaufmann-Prize 2022 is Senior Research Group Leader at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law since 2020. In her Research Group MAGGI (“The Multiplication of Authorities in Global Governance Institutions”) she analyzes the governance authority of state, inter-state and non-state actors in the United Nations and the European Union. She also heads DFG-funded projects in the issue area of business and human rights and was Research Associate at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies Geneva.

Prior to her time at the MPIL, she has held positions as deputy professor for Transnational Governance at the Technical University of Darmstadt (2019/20), project leader at the Institute for Political Sciences at the University of Giessen (2018-2020), postdoctoral fellow at the Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences (2017/18) and postdoctoral researcher at the Center for Development and Decent Work at the University of Kassel (2013-2017).

Over the past years, she has held visiting positions at the EUI – European University Institute, the WZB – Berlin Social Science Center, the Cluster of Excellence SCRIPTS – Contestations of the Liberal Script, the Käte Hamburger Kolleg/Centre for Global Cooperation Research at the University Duisburg-Essen and the School of Global Studies at the University of Gothenburg, among others.

In her youngest monograph (utb 2021), she develops a contextual and normatively open universalism of human rights. Her habilitation thesis (Nomos 2020) discusses the constellation of global governance and human rights between and beyond the public and the private sphere. Her PhD thesis (Campus 2015; Rowman & Littlefield 2016) analyzes liberal and communitarian approaches to collective rights, discussing the chances and challenges of indigenous human rights to culture and identity in the United Nations. A previous study on universalism, cultural relativism and female genital mutilation/cutting was published in 2011 (Transcript).

Academic Degrees:

07/2018: Habilitation and Venia Legendi in Political Science, University of Kassel
05/2014: Dr. rer. soc. in Political Science, University of Giessen
05/2010: Magistra Artium in Political Science, Social Anthropology, Psychology, Free University Berlin

Current Research Projects


The Max Planck Research Group MAGGI hosts a workshop on: The Multiplication of Global Governance Authority: Contestation, In/formalization, and Constellations. The workshop takes place at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law in Heidelberg on July 11th-12th, 2024. Limited spaces for guests are available. Please register with Details and full program in the pdf.


Dr. Imge Akaslan

Dr. Ruji Auethavornpipat

Dr. Gordon Friedrichs

Marie Lohrum

Dr. Katharina McLarren

Fumie Nakamura

Marcel Frentzel (student assistant)

Ronya Ramrath (student assistant)

List of Publications


Mende, Janne (2021): Der Universalismus der Menschenrechte, Stuttgart: utb

Mende, Janne (2020): Global Governance und Menschenrechte: Konstellationen zwischen Privatheit und Öffentlichkeit (series: Internationale Politische Theorie, ed. by Christian Volk, Thorsten Thiel), Baden-Baden: Nomos

Mende, Janne (2016): A Human Right to Culture and Identity? The Ambivalence of Group Rights (series: Studies in Social and Global Justice, ed. by Benjamin Holland, Tony Burns), London: Rowman & Littlefield International (peer-reviewed)

Mende, Janne (2015): Kultur als Menschenrecht? Ambivalenzen kollektiver Rechtsforderungen, Frankfurt am Main/New York: Campus Verlag

Mende, Janne (2011): Begründungsmuster weiblicher Genitalverstümmelung. Zur Vermittlung von Kulturrelativismus und Universalismus, Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag

Peer-Reviewed Articles

Mende, Janne (2023): Public Interests and the Legitimation of Global Governance Actors, in: Politics & Governance, 11(3), 109-119,

Mende, Janne (2023): Corporate Human Rights Responsibilities: Dismantling the Public-Private Divide, in: Nordic Journal of Human Rights, 41(3), 255-264,

Mende, Janne (2023): Business Authority in Global Governance: Companies Beyond Public and Private Roles, in: Journal of International Political Theory, 19(2),  200-220,

Drubel, Julia/Mende, Janne (2023): The Hidden Contestation of Norms: Decent Work in the International Labour Organization and the United Nations, in: Global Constitutionalism, 12(2),  246-268,

Gadinger, Frank/Kortendiek, Nele/Mende, Janne (2022): Vermittlung in der internationalen Politik. Konturen eines neuen Forschungsfeldes, in: Zeitschrift Diskurs 8, 1-11,

Mende, Janne/Heller, Regina/Reichwein, Alexander (2022): Transcending a Western Bias. Towards a Decolonised and Entangled Perspective in Norms Research, in: European Review of International Studies, 9(3), 339-362,

Mende, Janne/Hoff, Anneloes (2022): The Governance Authority of Non-State Actors in the Business and Human Rights Regime, in: Journal of Human Rights, 21(5), 593-603,

Mende, Janne (2022): Extended Qualitative Content Analysis: Researching the United Nations and other International Institutions, in: Qualitative Research Journal, 22(3), 340-353,

Mende, Janne (2022): Norm Convergence and Collision in Regime Overlaps. Business and Human Rights in the UN and the EU, in: Globalizations 19(5), 725-740,

Mende, Janne/Möllers, Christoph (2021): Was sind soziale Normen? Ein Dialog zwischen der rechtsphilosophischen und der konstruktivistischen Normenforschung, in: Leviathan 49(4), 577-598,

Mende, Janne (2021): The Contestation and Construction of Global Governance Authorities. A Study from the Global Business and Human Rights Regime, in: Global Constitutionalism 10(3), 377-399,

Mende, Janne (2021): Are Human Rights Western – And Why Does it Matter? A Perspective from International Political Theory, in: Journal of International Political Theory 17(1), 38-57,

Mende, Janne (2020): Experteninterviews in internationalen Organisationen: Zwischen Standardisierung und Narration, in: Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen 27(2), 139-152,

Mende, Janne/Müller, Stefan (2020): Einfach komplex? Die gesellschaftliche Vermittlung politikwissenschaftlicher Analysen, in: Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft 30(3), 379-399,

Mende, Janne/Drubel, Julia (2020): At the Junction: Two Models of Business Responsibility for Modern Slavery, in: Human Rights Review 21(3), 313-335,

Mende, Janne (2019): The Concept of Modern Slavery: Definition, Critique, and the Human Rights Frame, in: Human Rights Review 20(2), 229-248,

Mende, Janne (2018): Normative and Contextual Feminism: Lessons from the Debate around Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting, in: Gender Forum, An Internet Journal for Gender Studies 17(68), 47-69,

Mende, Janne (2017): Die Entwicklung unternehmerischer Verantwortung für Menschenrechte: Privatisierung oder Diffusion?, in: Politische Vierteljahresschrift, Sonderheft 52: Politik und Verantwortung. Analysen zum Wandel politischer Entscheidungs- und Rechtfertigungs­praktiken, hrsg. v. Christopher Daase/Valentin Rauer/Stefan Kroll/Julian Junk, 409-435,

Mende, Janne (2016): Global Governance und libertärer Paternalismus: Akteure, Normativität und Legitimität, in: Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie (Themenschwerpunkt: Libertärer Paternalismus) 3(1), 557-596,

Mende, Janne (2015): Privatheit und Governance in der Internationalen Politischen Theorie, in: Zeitschrift für Politische Theorie (Themenschwerpunkt Internationale Politische Theorie, hrsg. v. Nicole Deitelhoff, Christian Volk) 6(2), 207-222,

Mende, Janne (2015): The Imperative of Indigeneity: Indigenous Human Rights and their Limits, in: Human Rights Review 16(3), 221-238,

Mende, Janne (2011): Kultur, Volk und „Rasse“. Die deutsche Ethnologie im Nationalsozialismus und ihre Aufarbeitung, in: Anthropos 106(2), 529-545,

Book Chapters and Papers without Peer-Review

Mende, Janne/Müller, Thomas (2023): Publics in Global Politics: A Framing Paper, Politics & Governance 11(3), 91-97,

Mende, Janne/Auethavornpipat, Ruji/Lohrum, Marie/Nakamura, Fumie (2022): The Multiplication of Authorities in Global Governance Institutions: A Research Agenda, in: Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law & International Law Research Paper Series 7(2022-06,

Müller, Stefan/Mende, Janne (2022): Vereinfachung, Abbildung und Übersetzung. Modelle der Vermittlung politikwissenschaftlichen Wissens, in: Bergem, Wolfgang/Schöne, Helmar (Ed.): Wie relevant ist die Politikwissenschaft, Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 39-55 (revised reprint)

Mende, Janne (2021): Private Actors, NGOs and Civil Society in Multilevel Governance, in: Benz, Arthur/Broschek, Jörg/Lederer, Markus (Ed.): A Research Agenda for Multilevel Governance, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 171-189,

Mende, Janne (2021): Public and Individual Interests. Implications of the COVID-19 Pandemic, in: Jahrbuch Technikphilosophie 7, 312-315,

Chinese translation: Pengpai News (澎湃思想市场公众号): and in the Journal Science.Economy.Society (科学.经济.社会) 164(3) 2021

Mende, Janne (2020): The Public, the Private and the Business-Societal: A Three-Fold Approach to Human Rights Responsibility, in: Michael Stohl/Alison Brysk (Ed.): A Research Agenda for Human Rights, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 155-172,

Mende, Janne (2020): Unternehmen als gesellschaftliche Akteure: Die unternehmerische Verantwortung für Menschenrechte zwischen privater und öffentlicher Sphäre, in: Nikolaus Goldbach/Franziska Paulmann/Julia Druschel/Carolina Alves Vestena (Ed.): Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf Soziale Menschenrechte, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 77-98 (reprint)

Mende, Janne (2020): Business Enterprises and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR): A Hybrid Approach, in: Miguelángel Verde Garrido/Philani Mthembu/Adam S. Wilkins (Ed.): The Global Politics of Human Rights. Bringing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) into the 21st Century, Berlin: Berlin Forum on Global Politics, 112-116. ISBN: 978-1-920216-68-9,

Mende, Janne (2020): Global Governance, in: Scott N. Romaniuk/Manish Thapa/Péter Marton (Ed.): The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Global Security Studies, Basingstoke/New York: Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-74336-3_220-1,

Mende, Janne (2018): The UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, in: Arbeitskreis Menschenrechte im 20. Jahrhundert der Fritz-Thyssen-Stiftung (Ed.): Quellen zur Geschichte der Menschenrechte,

Mende, Janne (2018): Indigene Menschenrechte als Pluralisierung des Menschenrechts, in: Zeitgeschichte Online, Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung, Themenschwerpunkt Menschenrechte und Humanitarismus,

Mende, Janne (2017): Unternehmen als gesellschaftliche Akteure: Die unternehmerische Verantwortung für Menschenrechte zwischen privater und öffentlicher Sphäre, in: MenschenRechtsMagazin 22(1), 5-17,

Mende, Janne (2016): Die Bedeutung und Legitimität nichtstaatlicher Akteure im Menschen­recht, in: Kritische Justiz, Vierteljahresschrift für Recht und Politik 49(4), 2-9,

Mende, Janne (2016): Öffentlicher Menschenrechtsschutz, privater Menschenrechtsbruch. Alte und neue Antagonismen in Zeiten der Globalisierung und Global Governance, in: Karl-Rudolf Korte (Hg.): Politik in unsicheren Zeiten: Kriege, Krisen und neue Antagonismen, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 278-292

Müller, Stefan/Mende, Janne (2016): Weder getrennt noch eins. Identität, Differenz und die Frage der Freiheit, in: Stefan Müller/Janne Mende (Hg.): Differenz und Identität. Konstellationen der Kritik, Weinheim: Beltz Juventa, 7-28

Christoph Menke im Gespräch mit Janne Mende und Stefan Müller (2016): Vom Glücken der Freiheit. Ein Gespräch über Kritik und Versöhnung, in: Müller, Stefan/Mende, Janne (Hg.): Differenz und Identität. Konstellationen der Kritik, Weinheim: Beltz Juventa, 29-63

Ruth Sonderegger im Gespräch mit Stefan Müller und Janne Mende (2016): Beweglichkeitsanalysen. Ein Gespräch über Übungen und Entübungen von Identität und Differenz, in: Müller, Stefan/Mende, Janne (Hg.): Differenz und Identität. Konstellationen der Kritik, Weinheim: Beltz Juventa, 221-243

Mende, Janne (2016): Moderne Sklaverei: Unschärfen eines Begriffs, in: Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik 61(9), 33-36

Mende, Janne (2016): Collective Identity, in: Paul Tiedemann (Hg.): Right to Identity (Series: Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie – Beiheft 147, ed. v. d. Internationalen Vereinigung für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie), Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 129-150

Mende, Janne (2016): Kulturelle Identität und Politik, in: Sybille de la Rosa/Sophia Schubert/Holger Zapf (Hg.): Transkulturelle Politische Theorie. Eine Einführung, Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 43-62

Mende, Janne (2014): Amartya Sen: Identity and Violence. The Illusion of Destiny, in: Samuel Salzborn (Hg.): Klassiker der Sozialwissenschaften. 100 Schlüsselwerke im Portrait, Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 389-392 (2. Auflage 2016, 3. Auflage 2021)

Mende, Janne (2014): Ruth Benedict: Patterns of Culture, in: Samuel Salzborn (Hg.): Klassiker der Sozialwissenschaften. 100 Schlüsselwerke im Portrait, Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 116-120 (2. Auflage 2016, 3. Auflage 2021)

Mende, Janne (2013): Die Ordnung der Moral, in: Erwägen Wissen Ethik, Forum für Erwägungskultur 24(2), 271-274

Mende, Janne (2013): Der Doppelcharakter von Kritik. Zur Konstellation immanenter und transzendenter Kritik, in: Stefan Müller (Hg.): Jenseits der Dichotomie. Elemente einer sozialwissenschaftlichen Theorie des Widerspruchs, Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 157-180

Mende, Janne (2012): Normativität und Relationen im transkulturellen Vergleich, in: Holger Zapf (Hg.): Nichtwestliches politisches Denken. Zwischen kultureller Differenz und Hybridisierung (Series: Trans- und interkulturelle Politische Theorie und Ideengeschichte, ed. v. Sybille de la Rosa, Holger Zapf, Sophia Schubert, Alexander Weiß), Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 47-63

Edited Volumes and Special Issues

Mende, Janne/Müller, Thomas (2023): Publics in Global Politics, Politics & Governance 11(3)

Mende, Janne (2023): Corporate Responsibility for Human Rights beyond the Public-Private Divide, in: The Nordic Journal of Human Rights 41(3)

Mende, Janne/Heller, Regina/Reichwein, Alexander (2022): Transcending a Western Bias. Towards a Decolonised and Entangled Perspective in Norms Research, European Review of International Studies 9(3)

Gadinger, Frank/Kortendiek, Nele/Mende, Janne (2022): Vermittlung in der internationalen Politik, in: Zeitschrift Diskurs (8)

Mende, Janne/Hoff, Anneloes (2022): The Governance Authority of Non-State Actors in the Business and Human Rights Regime, in: The Journal of Human Rights 21(5)

Finzsch, Norbert/Hulverscheidt, Marion/Mende, Janne/Oeming, Madita (2018): On Clitoridectomy, in: Gender Forum. An Internet Journal for Gender Studies 17(68)

Mende, Janne (2016): Menschenrechte, nichtstaatliche Akteure und Legitimität, in: Kritische Justiz, Vierteljahresschrift für Recht und Politik 49(4)

Müller, Stefan/Mende, Janne (2016): Differenz und Identität. Konstellationen der Kritik, Weinheim: Beltz Juventa

Recent Publications

  • The Hidden Contestation of Norms: Decent Work in the International Labour Organization and the United Nations. In: Global Constitutionalism 12(2), 246-268 (2023). doi: 10.1017/S2045381722000259 (with Julia Drubel). Open Access
  • Corporate Human Rights Responsibilities: Dismantling the Public-Private Divide. In: Nordic Journal of Human Rights 41(3), 255-264 (2023). doi: 10.1080/18918131.2023.2254969. open access
  • Public Interests and the Legitimation of Global Governance Actors. In: Politics & Governance 11 (3) (2023). doi: 10.17645/pag.v11i3.6778. open access
  • Business Authority in Global Governance: Companies Beyond Public and Private Roles. In: Journal of International Political Theory 19(2), 200-220 (2023). doi: 10.1177/17550882221116924. Open Access
  • Transcending a Western Bias. Towards a Decolonised and Entangled Perspective in Norms Research. In: European Review of International Studies 9(3), 339-362 (2022). doi: 10.1163/21967415-09030001 (with Regina Heller, Alexander Reichwein). Open Access
  • Vermittlung in der internationalen Politik. Konturen eines neuen Forschungsfeldes. In: Zeitschrift Diskurs 8, 1-11 (2022) (with Frank Gadinger, Nele Kortendiek). Open Access
  • The governance authority of non-state actors in the business and human rights regime. In: Journal of Human Rights 21 (5), 593-603 (2022). doi: 10.1080/14754835.2022.2104119 (with Anneloes Hoff). Open Access
  • Extended Qualitative Content Analysis: Researching the United Nations and other International Institutions. In: Qualitative Research Journal 22(3), 340-353 (2022). doi: 10.1108/QRJ-11-2021-0127. Open Access
  • Norm Convergence and Collision in Regime Overlaps. Business and Human Rights in the UN and the EU. In: Globalizations online first (2021). doi: 10.1080/14747731.2021.1983342. Open Access
  • Private Actors, NGOs and Civil Society in Multilevel Governance. In: A Research Agenda for Multilevel Governance, Arthur Benz, Jörg Broschek, Markus Lederer (eds.). Edward Elgar, Cheltenham 2021, 171-189. Open Access
  • Was sind soziale Normen? Ein Dialog zwischen der rechtsphilosophischen und der konstruktivistischen Normenforschung. In: Leviathan 49 (4), 577-598 (2021). doi: 10.5771/0340-0425-2021-4-577 (with Christoph Möllers). Open Access
  • Der Universalismus der Menschenrechte. UTB, Stuttgart, 2021, 240 p. Details
  • Public and Individual Interests. Implications of the COVID-19 Pandemic. In: Jahrbuch Technikphilosophie 7, 312-315 (2021). doi: 10.5771/9783748910961-312. Open Access
    Translated into: Chinese
  • The Contestation and Construction of Global Governance Authorities: A Study from the Global Business and Human Rights Regime. In: Global Constitutionalism online first (2021). doi: 10.1017/S2045381721000113. Open Access
  • Are Human Rights Western—And Why does it Matter? A Perspective from International Political Theory. In: Journal of International Political Theory 17 (1), 38-57 (2021). doi: 10.1177/1755088219832992.
  • Global Governance und Menschenrechte: Konstellationen zwischen Privatheit und Öffentlichkeit. Internationale Politische Theorie. Nomos, Baden-Baden, 2020, 340 p. doi: 9783848715985 Details
  • Common Identities, Overlapping Authorities and Complexity. Practices of (De-)Legitimation in the United Nations. In: Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law & International Law Research Paper 2021-05 (2021). doi: 10.2139/ssrn.3790292. Open Access
  • Experteninterviews in internationalen Organisationen: Zwischen Standardisierung und Narration. In: Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen 27 (2), 139-152 (2020). doi: 10.5771/0946-7165-2020-2-139.
  • The Public, the Private, and the Business-Societal. A Threefold Approach to Business Responsibility for Human Rights. In: A Research Agenda for Human Rights, Michael Stohl, Alison Brysk (eds.). Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham 2020, 155-172. Open Access
  • Einfach komplex? Die gesellschaftliche Vermittlung politikwissenschaftlicher Analysen. In: Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft 30 (3), 379-399 (2020). doi: 10.1007/s41358-020-00229-0 (with Stefan Müller).
  • At the Junction: Two Models of Business Responsibility for Modern Slavery. In: Human Rights Review 21 (3), 313-335 (2020). doi: 10.1007/s12142-020-00596-9 (with Julia Drubel). Open Access
  • Unternehmen als gesellschaftliche Akteure: Die unternehmerische Verantwortung für Menschenrechte zwischen privater und öffentlicher Sphäre. In: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf Soziale Menschenrechte, Nikolaus Goldbach, Franziska Paulmann, Julia Druschel, Carolina Alves Vestena (eds.). Nomos, Baden-Baden 2020, 77-98.
  • Business Enterprises and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR): A Hybrid Approach. In: The Global Politics of Human Rights. Bringing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) into the 21st Century. Berlin Forum on Global Politics. Berlin Forum on Global Politics, Berlin 2020, 112-116. Open Access
  • Global Governance. In: The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Global Security Studies, Scott N. Romaniuk, Manish Thapa, Péter Marton (eds.). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, Basingstoke/New York 2020. Details
  • Normative and Contextual Feminism: Lessons from the Debate around Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting. In: Gender Forum, An Internet Journal for Gender Studies 17 (68), 47-69 (2018). Open Access
  • The Concept of Modern Slavery: Definition, Critique, and the Human Rights Frame. In: Human Rights Review 20 (2), 229-248 (2019). doi: 0.1007/s12142-018-0538-y. Open Access
  • Differenz und Identität. Konstellationen der Kritik. Beltz Juventa, Weinheim, 2016, 278 p. (with Stefan Müller)
  • A Human Right to Culture and Identity? The Ambivalence of Group Rights.. Studies in Social and Global Justice, hrsg. v. Benjamin Holland, Tony Burns.. Rowman & Littlefield International, London, 2016, 222 p.
  • Kultur als Menschenrecht? Ambivalenzen kollektiver Rechtsforderungen.. Campus Verlag, Frankfurt am Main/ New York, 2015, 262 p.
  • Begründungsmuster weiblicher Genitalverstümmelung. Zur Vermittlung von Kulturrelativismus und Universalismus.. Transcript Verlag, Bielefeld, 2011, 212 p.


  • Die Komplexität der Menschenrechte. Symposium "The Concrete Utopia of Human Rights", 18 August 2021. Online
  • Plagiate – die frühe Rolle der Universitäten. theorieblog, 2019. Open Access
  • Which Business? Controversies about the Scope of Application of a Future Treaty on Business and Human Rights. Völkerrechtsblog, 2018. Open Access
  • A New Responsibility in the Making: Business Companies and Human Rights. WZB Orders Beyond Borders, 2018. Open Access

Working Papers

  • The Multiplication of Authorities in Global Governance Institutions. A Research Agenda. Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law & International Law Research Paper Series 7 (6), 2022 (with Ruji Auethavornpipat, Marie Lohrum, Fumie Nakamura). Open Access
  • Common Identities, Overlapping Authorities and Complexity. Practices of (De-)Legitimation in the United Nations. Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law & International Law Research Paper Series 6 (5), 2021. doi: 10.2139/ssrn.3790292. Open Access


• German Political Science Association (DVPW)

        • Section International Relations

        • Working Group Sociology in International Relations

        • Thematic Groups IR Norms Research

        • Thematic Group International Organization

• Deutsche Gesellschaft für Politikwissenschaft

• Section “Norms and Changes in Global Politics”, Justus-Liebig-University Giessen (spokesperson)

• Standing Group “International Relations”, European Consortium for Social Research (ECPR)

• Working Group “International Relations as a Social Science”, British International Studies Association (BISA)

• Research Group “United Nations”, University of Potsdam

• Research Group “Migration and Human Rights”, Justus-Liebig-University Giessen

• Global Business and Human Rights Scholars Association (BR2R)

• Academic Council on the United Nations System

• Connecticut/Baden-Württemberg Human Rights Research Consortium

• Max Planck Group on Business and Human Rights (spokesperson)


Head of Conferences and Workshops

“The Russian War in Ukraine: What’s Next?”, Expert workshop with Caroline Fehl, Gunther Hellmann, Elvira Rosert, David Sirakov, Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, 19.6.2023 (with the GGS section Norms and Change in World Politics)

“Public(s) in Global Politics”, annual conference of the DVPW working group “Sociology in International Relations” in cooperation with the section “Political Sociology” of the German Sociological Association (DGS), 11.-12.11.2021 (with Ulrich Franke, Thomas Müller, Jasmin Siri)

“Human Rights Responsibilities beyond the State. Pushing the Boundaries of Public and Private“, online workshop, Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, 10.-11.06.2021 (with Anneloes Hoff)

“Beyond Western Liberalism: Mapping Blind Spots in IR Norm Research”, GGS annual conference, Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, 2.-3.12.2019 (in cooperation with DVPW thematic group “IR Norms Research”, Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg, Institute of Political Science at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Peace Research Institute Frankfurt)

“The Concept of Mediation in International Relations”, annual conference of the DVPW working group “Sociologies in International Relations”, Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, 14.-15.11.2019 (with Frank Gadinger and Nele Kortendiek)

“Researching International Organizations Empirically”, workshop of the GGS section Norms and Change in World Politics, Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, 15.11.2018

Service to the Academic Community

Deputy Gender Equality Officer, Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law

Spokesperson of the Max Planck Group on Business and Human Rights, Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law

Head of Discussion Group on Human Rights, Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law

Spokesperson of the section “Norms and Change in Global Politics”, Giessen Graduate Centre, Justus-Liebig-University Giessen

Expert Reports and Selection Committees for Research Funding Institutions

  • Horizon Europe, European Research Council (ERC)
  • Austrian Academy of Sciences
  • Carlo Schmid Program, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
  • National Science Centre Poland
  • Dissertation Award of the German Political Science Association (DVPW)

Supervision of PhD Theses

Valter Angelo da Silva Junior: Non-State Actors’ Authority under European Union’s Trade Agreements

Thomas Cranshaw: The Legitimacy of the OECD’s PISA Studies

Marie Lohrum: The Governance Authority of Lobbyists in the EU

Fumie Nakamura: The Governance Authority of Transnational Municipal Networks