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You are here: Research Research Areas Comparative Public Law Global Freedom of Expression - Special Collection on Content Moderation


Erik Tuchtfeld

Angelo Golia

About the Project:

The online Global Case Law Database on Freedom of Expression by the Columbia University's Global Freedom of Expression (GFoE) project is supported by a network of international experts. It surveys jurisprudence around the world, critically reviews exemplary cases, engages in comparative analysis, and aims to identify national, regional, and global trends. By focusing on the role of the institution of Justice, the project aims to determine the extent to which the Justice Institutions are referencing international norms and standards and approaching information and expression as global in nature and right.

As part of the cooperation, researchers from the MPIL provide case analyses of the most important German and Italian jurisprudence on content moderation on social media platforms. Also, the team creates a joint publication on content moderation jurisprudence with the GFoE project, systematicizing cases from all around the world.

Staff Member(s):

Student Research Assistant

Charlotte Sperber, (April - September 2023)


  • Tuchtfeld, Erik: Case law on content moderation and freedom of expression. Global Freedom of Expression, Special Collection of the Case Law on Freedom of Expression, 2023. Open Access

Further Links

Columbia's Global Freeedom of Expression project (Mission)
Global Freedom of Expression - Case Law Database