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Sie befinden sich hier: Publikationen Archiv World Court Digest

World Court Digest

III. The International Court of Justice
3.10. Provisional Measures
3.10.5. Provisional Measures and Merits

¤ LaGrand (Germany v. United States of America),
Provisional Measures, Order of 3 March 1999,
I.C.J. Reports 1999, p. 9

[p. 15] 26. Whereas, in the light of the aforementioned considerations, the Court finds that the circumstances require it to indicate, as a matter of the greatest urgency and without any other proceedings, provisional measures in accordance with Article 41 of its Statute and with Article 75, paragraph 1, of its Rules;

27. Whereas measures indicated by the Court for a stay of execution would necessarily be provisional in nature and would not in any way prejudge findings the Court might make on the merits; and whereas such measures would preserve the respective rights of Germany and of the United States; and whereas it is appropriate that the Court, with the co-operation of the Parties, ensure that any decision on the merits be reached with all possible expedition;