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Völkerrechtliche Praxis der Bundesrepublik Deutschland im Jahre 1999

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Silja Vöneky/Markus Rau

IX. Menschenrechte und Minderheiten

2. Praxis im Rahmen der VN-Organe

     54. Im Rahmen der Special Session of the General Assembly for the Review and Appraisal of the Implementation of the Program of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development wies die Vertreterin Deutschlands Zypries im Namen der Europäischen Union am 30. Juni 1999 darauf hin, daß eine der großen Errungenschaften des in Kairo 1994 erreichten Konsenses war, daß anerkannt wurde, daß Maßnahmen und Politiken in Verbindung mit Fragen des Bevölkerungswachstums

     "have to be based on respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms and guided by the well-being of people. The fact that the very first principle of the Program of Action recalls the content of universally recognised Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms speaks for itself."

     Die deutsche Vertreterin betonte zudem, daß die Europäische Union ihre Priorität auf die Behandlung der folgenden Themen legt:

     "Call for stronger action in the field of HIV/Aids. Strengthen the focus on and meeting the particular needs of adolescents for confidential and comprehensive services in sexual and reproductive health and sex education. Call for stronger action to reduce maternal mortality. Achieve gender equity and equality. The EU also draws attention to migration and refugees population ageing resources."163

     55. Die finnische Vertreterin Nyroos sprach im Dritten Ausschuß der Generalversammlung der Vereinten Nation über die Instrumente des Menschenrechtsschutzes und Fragen der Implementierung dieser Instrumente am 2. November 1999.

     Sie stellte fest, daß bei näherer Betrachtung der Status der Ratifikationen der wichtigsten Menschenrechtsverträge Anlaß zur Sorge gebe:

     "It appears that after the year 1997 the pace of ratification has in fact consistently slowed down for almost all core treaties. (...)
     The EU is also seriously concerned about the withdrawals from the first optional protocol to the International Convenant on Civil and Political Rights and urges the Governments concerned to re-consider such decisions.
     The EU also remains concerned about the relatively low number of ratifications of the Convention Against Torture. The unanimous condemnation of torture must be followed swiftly by dramatic progress in the ratification of this crucial legal instrument."164

     Sie betonte außerdem, daß

     "(i)ndividual complaint mechanisms are a substantial means to encourage State Parties to implement their obligations towards individuals. The individual complaints mechanisms can serve as a means to improve national legislation. (...)
     The EU is of the view that the inevitable reform of the monitoring system should be designed to ultimately serve the needs of the individuals enjoying the rights enshrined in the treaties and in this endeavour to take full account of the needs of State Parties."165

     Die finnische Vertreterin stellte ebenfalls im Namen der Europäischen Union fest, daß es wichtig sei,

     "(t)hat the status of economic, social and cultural rights be strengthened and practised through legislation and practical policies alongside the civil and political rights. In the view of the EU, the first challenge in the field of economic, social and cultural rights remains the adoption of appropriate legislative measures. (...)
     The EU is convinced that the Convenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights is a useful instrument also for the UN system when supporting national poverty eradication efforts."166

     Weiter wurde betont, daß die Europäische Union überzeugt sei, daß die Abschaffung der Todesstrafe zu einer verbesserten Sicherung der Würde der Menschen führe und zu einer Fortentwicklung der Menschenrechte:

     "Therefore we are committed to oppose the death penalty wherever it occurs with an ultimate aim being its abolition. We welcome the recent ratification of the Second Optional Protocol to the ECCPR and call on all State Parties to the Convenant to consider ratifying this Protocol.
     The European Union is concerned that in many cases where the death penalty is not yet abolished, it is frequently applied in violation of the minimum safeguards set out in the International Convenant on Civil and Political Rights, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations and the ECOSOC Safeguards guaranteeing protection of the rights of those facing the death penalty. The EU calls on all States which have not yet abolished the death penalty to comply with these safeguards and to progressively restrict the number of offences for which the death penalty may be imposed."167

     56. Ein Vertreter Finnlands bemerkte im Namen der Europäischen Union am 19. November 1999 zur "Draft Resolution on Globalization and its Impacts on the full Enjoyment of all Human Rights" und allgemein zum Problem Menschenrechte und Globalisierung im Dritten Ausschuß der Generalversammlung der Vereinten Nationen:

     "While not at all neglecting that the globalization process has implications for the enjoyment of human rights, positive as well as potentially negative ones, the European Union finds it difficult to address these implications as a separate issue. In our view, given the crosscutting nature of human rights issues, the implications of most phenomena for the enjoyment of human rights are best addressed where the respective phenomenon is being properly examined and understood. On the other hand when discussing issues related to globalisation in different fora of the UN human rights considerations should be part of that discussion."168

     57. Im Dritten Ausschuß der Generalversammlung der Vereinten Nationen wurde am 21. Oktober von dem finnischen Vertreter Schalin im Namen der Europäischen Union zu den Bereichen der Abschaffung von Rassismus und rassischer Diskriminierung und dem Selbstbestimmungsrecht von Völkern Stellung genommen.169

     Er wies darauf hin, daß die "Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination" einen bedeutenden internationalen Standard im Kampf gegen Rassismus und rassische Diskriminierung darstelle. Die Europäische Union rufe alle Staaten, die diese Konvention bisher noch nicht ratifiziert haben, auf, ihre Anstrengungen diesbezüglich zu erhöhen. Zudem unterstreiche die Europäische Union,

     "(t)he importance of the national reporting process and the individual complaints procedure. The EU calls upon all States to promptly honour their reporting obligations and to closely consider and follow up on the committee's conclusions."170

     Zum Selbstbestimmungsrecht führte der finnische Vertreter im Namen der Europäischen Union im Dritten Ausschuß der Generalversammlung der Vereinten Nationen aus:

     "This right is of continuing importance today as part of the framework of international human rights. Its realisation is a continuing process that requires the effective guarantee, observance and promotion of all human rights by all States. Violations of this right constitute a threat to the freedom and dignity of persons, and run counter to the principles and standards in the relevant human rights instruments. It is primarily the responsibility of States to ensure that everyone enjoys freedom of thought and expression, freedom of conscience and belief, the right of assembly and association as well as the right to effective participation. Free pursuance of economic, social and cultural development is impossible if ideas and aspirations cannot be voiced and be brought forward, individually and in association with others. (...)
     A people must be allowed to change its government regularly without fear of a coup d'état or other undemocratic consequence. Holding free and fair elections by secret ballot and universal suffrage is one of the preconditions for the implementation of the right of peoples to self-determination. It is imperative that the results of elections are respected and that the elected representatives are allowed to perform their duties freely. The EU welcomes all attempts to obtain electoral assistance from the UN and other organisations."171

     58. Am 4. November 1999 äußerte sich nochmals eine finnische Vertreterin, Korpi, zu der Frage des Selbstbestimmungsrechts im Dritten Ausschuß der Generalversammlung der Vereinten Nationen: Danach bekräftige die Europäische Union das fortbestehende Recht der Palästinenser auf Selbstbestimmung einschließlich der Option eines eigenen Staates.172

     59. Zur Frage der "Draft Resolution on the Use of Mercenaries as a Means of Violating Human Rights and Impeding the Exercise of the Right of People to Self-Determination" äußerte sich ein Vertreter Finnlands im Namen der Europäischen Union am 16. November 1999 in der Generalversammlung der Vereinten Nationen hingegen ablehnend:

     "The European Union shares many of the concerns about the dangers of mercenaries activity expressed in the report of the Special Rapporteur. We are concerned about the impact of the mercenaries activity on the duration and nature of armed conflicts and strongly condemn the involvement of mercenaries in terrorist activities wherever it occurs.
     As pointed out in the report, the EU Member States have continued to co-operate with the Special Rapporteur, inter alia by providing him with information and inviting him to visit their countries.
     However, as in previous years, the Member States of the European Union cannot support the draft resolution before the Third Committee. We regret that no consultations have taken place on the draft which would have given us the opportunity to discuss our reservations.
     We continue to have doubts whether the Third Committee is the right forum to deal with the problem of mercenaries activity and whether the High Commissioner for Human Rights should be asked to devote priority attention to this subject. While fully recognising the numerous dangers caused by mercenary activities, we doubt that the use of mercenaries should be dealt with primarily as a human rights problem and as a threat to the right of peoples to self-determination; neither does the relationship between terrorism and mercenary activity seem to fall within the mandate of the Third Committee. We share the view that the consideration of the use of mercenaries should be terminated in the Third Committee and that this matter be hence forth considered in the Sixth Committee."173

     60. Der finnische Vertreter Schalin nahm im Wirtschafts- und Sozialrat der Vereinten Nationen am 30. Juli 1999 in Genf zu der Stellungnahme der Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC) im Hinblick auf die Resolution 1999/82 "Defamation of Religions" der Kommission für Menschenrechte wie folgt Stellung:

     "Resolution 1999/82, both in the title as well as in the text carefully avoids singling out any particular religion as being the sole or even a major, target of defamation of any kind. In the view of the EU, all religions and beliefs are subject to prejudice or stereotyping. This applies to Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism as well as all other religion and beliefs. It is on this understanding that the EU joined consensus in the Commission on Human Rights on Resolution 1999/82, as stated in our Explanation of Vote given after the adoption of the Resolution. The EU is firmly committed to freedom of all religions and beliefs, including the rights of non-believers. The EU therefore does not agree with the selective interpretation of Resolution 1999/82 as provided by the delegation of Pakistan."174

     61. Auch bei der Praxis der Staaten im Rahmen der Organe der Vereinten Nationen spielte die Frage des Schutzes der Rechte von Kindern im Berichtszeitraum eine besondere Rolle.175

     Im Dritten Ausschuß der Generalversammlung der Vereinten Nationen betonte am 27. Oktober 1999 die finnische Vertreterin Liira in einer Aussprache des dritten Ausschusses der Generalversammlung der Vereinten Nationen zu der Frage der Förderung und des Schutzes der Rechte von Kindern, daß die Staaten, die die "Convention on the Rights of the Child" bisher noch nicht ratifiziert hätten, dringend dazu aufgerufen würden, dies zu tun.176 Die Europäische Union sei zudem besorgt über die große Anzahl von Vorbehalten zu der Konvention. Die EU widerspreche wie bisher Vorbehalten, die dem Sinn und Zweck der Konvention entgegenstehen. Diese Vorbehalte weckten Zweifel an der wahren Absicht der betreffenden Staaten, die Konvention zu implementieren.

     In diesem Zusammenhang betonte die Vertreterin zudem, daß das wichtigste Menschenrecht das Recht auf Leben sei:

     "The EU strongly appeals to all states that still maintain the death penalty to comply with their obligations under international law by not imposing the death penalty on juvenile offenders."177

     Sie fuhrt fort, die Bedeutung des Rechts auf Bildung zu betonen:

     "The full realisation of all economic, social and cultural rights is of utmost importance for the development of children and their potential. The right to education is fundamental for all children."

     Die Vertreterin wies darauf hin, daß "primary education shall be compulsory and free of charge." Außerdem sollten alle Kinder, unabhängig von ihrem Hintergrund, gleichen Zugang zur Ausbildung erhalten.178

     Besonders wichtig sei auch der Schutz und die Förderung von Rechten von Mädchen. Dies sei der Fall, da deren Situation oft die schwierigste sei.179

     Die Europäische Union erkenne zudem an, daß Kinderarbeit beides sei, eine Konsequenz und eine Ursache für Armut und daher im Kontext der Armutsbekämpfung betrachtet werden müsse. Die Vertreterin unterstrich, daß die Europäische Union die Arbeit der International Labour Organisation (ILO) besonders begrüße. Dies gelte auch für die Annahme der neuen ILO-Konvention, die das Verbot der schwersten Form von Kinderarbeit betreffe:

     "The EU considers the adoption of the Convention to be an important step forward. All states should ratify the Convention as soon as possible and implement it effectively."180

     Im Namen der Europäischen Union betonte die Vertreterin Finnlands, daß besonders in bewaffneten Konflikten alle Rechte der Kinder verletzt würden. Ausdrücklich erkenne die EU die Arbeit vieler Nichtregierungsorganisationen hinsichtlich dieses Problems an, betone aber auch, daß noch mehr Aufmerksamkeit auf diese Probleme gerichtet werden müsse.

     Zum Problem der sexuellen Ausbeutung wurde festgestellt:

     "The EU remains unreservedly convinced that sexual abuse and exploitation of children is one of the most uphorrent violations of the rights of the child. Many children around the world are forced either deliberately or through poverty, into prostitution. Many others are exploited for pornographic purposes. In order to effectively fight these problems, strong national action and effective international co-operation is needed. The EU is pleased to recognise that several inter-governmental organisations have taken up more concretely in their work the issue of sexual exploitation of children."

     Besonders Kinderpornographie im Internet sei eine komplexe Herausforderung, da die sexuelle Ausbeutung von Kindern globaler, internationaler und unmittelbarer werde. Der einzige Weg, dieses Problem effektiv einer Lösung zuzuführen, sei eine enge internationale Kooperation zwischen den Regierungen einerseits und andererseits - gleichbedeutend wichtig - zwischen Staaten und der Internet-Industrie und Nichtregierungsorganisationen:

     "The EU therefore believes it most important to coordinate the forgoing of a strong international partnership among all different stake holders in the fight against child pornography on the Internet."181

     Abschließend stellte die Vertreterin Finnlands im Namen der Europäischen Union fest:

     "As we approach the new millennium, we must strive to make human rights a reality for all children regardless of their background. It is our obligation to turn words into concrete actions. In this context, the EU stresses the importance of the UNGASS 2001 and the New Global Agenda for Children for the future work for children and their rights in the next decade."182

     62. Entsprechend äußerte sich der Vertreter Finnlands im Namen der Europäischen Union zu einem Resolutionsentwurf bezüglich der Rechte von Kindern am 10. November 1999: 183

     "The United Nations is an important forum for the promotion of the rights of the child. Also this draft resolution must serve this cause. This is especially important this year when we are commemorating the tenth anniversary of the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and the approaching tenth anniversary of the World Summit for Children. (...)
     The draft resolution concentrates on the issue of the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, prevention and eradication of the sale of children of the sexual exploitation and abuse, including child prostitution and child pornography, protection of children affected by armed conflict, refugee and internally displaced children, elimination of child labour, the plight of children working and/or living on the streets and the protection of children with disabilities. (...)
     My delegation highly appreciates the efforts of all the delegations who participated in the negotiations on this important text. As a result we have achieved a text which properly reflects the various concerns regarding the situation of children in today's world and emphasises our common commitment in further advancing the rights of the child into the new millennium."184

    163 Permanent Mission of Germany to the United Nations (Anm. 2):

    164 Permanent Mission of Finland to the United Nations (Anm. 3):

    165 Ibid.

    166 Ibid.

    167 Ibid.

    168 Permanent Mission of Finland to the United Nations (Anm. 3):

    169 Permanent Mission of Finland to the United Nations (Anm. 3):

    170 Ibid.

    171 Ibid.

    172 Permanent Mission of Finland to the United Nations (Anm. 3):

    173 Permanent Mission of Finland to the United Nations (Anm. 3):

    174 Permanent Mission of Finland to the United Nations (Anm. 3):

    175 Vgl. dazu schon oben bei Ziff. 49 ff.

    176 Permanent Mission of Finland to the United Nations (Anm. 3):

    177 Ibid.

    178 Ibid.

    179 Ibid.

    180 Ibid. Vgl. zu der ILO-Konvention bereits oben Ziff. 49.

    181 Ibid.

    182 Ibid.

    183 Permanent Mission of Finland to the United Nations (Anm. 3):

    184 Ibid.