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You are here: Institute Equal Opportunity Gender Equality Officer

Gender Equality Officer

The Gender Equality Officers perform their gender equality work on site and lobby in their respective location for gender justice and gender sensitivity.

s. Equal Opportunities Policy of the Max-Planck-Society (PDF)

What is the task area of the gender equality officer?

The gender equality officer contributes to all personnel, organizational and social measures concerning the equality of men and women, the reconciliation of work and family life and protection against sexual harassment at the working place.
(Policy Governing Equal Opportunities for Women and Men at the Max Planck Society, §11, Para. 1) 


Legal basis:

"Men and women have equal rights. The state promotes the actual implementation of equal rights of women and men and works towards the elimination of existing disadvantages."
(Constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany, Art. 3 Para. 2)


Who is the gender equality officer there for?

The gender equality officer is the contact persons for all Institute employees and all guests who

  • need information, support and help concerning equal opportunities
  • need support with asserting their rights
  • are interested in gender equality policy and want to get involved
  • want to establish contact with mentoring networks
  • have suggestions for improving equal opportunities at the Institute
  • experience discrimination

The officer has the right and the obligation to maintain confidentiality with regard to all information acquired. 


Lecture Series "Gender Talks"

organized by Janne Mende (until 31st December 2021 together with Anna-Maria Raschkov)

5th June 2023, 14:30, MPIL Montagsrunde
Gender Mainstreaming in the United Nations: Prospects and Limits. Gender Talks with Prof. Elisabeth Prügl.

Prof. Elisabeth Prügl (Professor for International Relations/Political Science at the Graduate Institute Geneva) will talk and discuss about the idea of gender mainstreaming, its chances and its limits, with empirical examples from the United Nations context.The talk will be held online (introduction by Janne Mende in presence).

Prof. Prügl's institutional home page can be found under:


27th February 2023, 14:30, MPIL Montagsrunde
The Harnack Principle in Gender Trouble. Gender Talks with Birgit Kolboske (new date),

Birgit Kolboske from the Research Program “History of the Max Planck Society” will present highlights from her newest book on the role of women in the Max Planck Society. Her book is available open access (in German) here:


Talk and discussion with Ulrike Schultz: "Frauen in der Rechtswissenschaft – Hürden und Hindernisse in einem traditionell männlich geprägten Berufsfeld", took place 14th October 2021

Talk and discussion with Dr. Dana-Sophia Valentiner: "Braucht es eine feministische Rechtswissenschaft?", took place 25th April 2022

Equal Opportunities Working Group

The Equal Opportunities Officers cordially invited all institute members to take part in the first meeting of the Equal Opportunities Working Group. The meeting offered a space to exchange ideas on topics related to equality and to initiate joint projects. The first meeting took place on 30th May.


Gender Equality Officer:

Dr. Jannika Jahn


Deputy Gender Equality Officer:

PD Dr. Janne Mende



Hannah Caroline Schaeffer