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05/07/2024 | 06:00 PM—07:30 PM | Room 038 and via Zoom

Making (Comparative, International & European) Law Public: A Conversation with the 2024 MPIL Journalists in Residence (hybrid)

Making (Comparative, International & European) Law Public: A Conversation with the 2024 MPIL Journalists in Residence

 On Tuesday, May 7, 18:00 – 19:30, hybrid (in person and via Zoom)

In the midst of a “New Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere” (Jürgen Habermas), attention is becoming scarce and journalists are under increasing pressure – economically, politically, and socially. In an ever more fragmented, polarized, and often also polarizing media landscape, it is a constant challenge for journalists (and academics) to find new ways to contribute to open and meaningful public discourse.

Since 2020, the MPIL Journalist in Residence Program has been opening up spaces for exchange and encounters in which journalists can deepen their expertise and expand their networks, and researchers can learn about today's media working methods and production conditions and enhance their own profile as public scholars.

This evening will feature conversations with all three 2024 MPIL JiR Fellows currently in residence at the InstitutePrune AntoineFrances Sellers, and Aliénor Carrièrein exchange with Armin von Bogdandy and Anne Peters, and moderated by Alexandra Kemmerer.

 About the Journalists:

 French reporter and writer Prune Antoine resides as a freelance author in Berlin. Her work has been published in Le Nouvel Observateur, Médiapart, Reportagen, Die Zeit, Geo, Vice, and The Guardian; she has worked for Arte and France Télévisions. Prune Antoine's work has been nominated for / awarded the European Press Prize, the True Story Award, the German-French Journalist Prize, the Prix Louise Weiss, and the Prix Philippe Chaffanjon. Her novel "L’Heure d’été" (Anne Carrière, Paris, 2019; reissued by Poche Points, 2020) was a finalist for the Prix Goncourt du premier roman. As an investigative journalist and author, Prune Antoine has delved into topics such as the remilitarization of Kaliningrad, the rhetoric of a New Cold War in Europe, the (lack of) international prosecution of mass rapes in the Bosnian War, and the ecological consequences of military conflicts. During her residency at the Institute, she is working on a book about sexualized violence in times of war.

 Frances Stead Sellers is a writer and editor at the Washington Post. Her journalistic work is characterized by the communication of complex political, scientific, and social issues to a broad audience. She hosts the Washington Post Live interview series "Explaining America" and has devoted particular attention to the scientific, political, and legal dimensions and implications of global health threats during the pandemic. As a Journalist in Residence at the MPIL, she focuses on the complexity of global polycrises exacerbated by climate change, exploring how political, legal, and scientific factors influence responses to these crises.

 Aliénor Carrière, an award winning French independent journalist and documentary filmmaker, launched her career at ARTE in 2017. Her documentaries span a wide range of social issues, from child soldier reintegration to the challenges faced by marginalized groups like prostitutes and domestic violence victims. Beyond reporting, Carrière actively addresses gender-based violence, conducting training sessions and serving as a gender editor, spotlighting topics like abortion rights and rape culture. As a Journalist in Residence at the MPIL, she focuses on gender-based violence within the humanitarian sector, exploring the experiences of aid workers in Afghanistan, Senegal, and South Sudan. Through this work, she seeks to uncover systemic challenges and advocate for better protection mechanisms through collaboration with experts and stakeholders.

 In addition, we are delighted to also have among the interlocutors the photographer and seasoned photojournalist Maurice Weiss (Ostkreuz, Berlin) and lawyer-photographer Hannah Wilson (Berlin) who are currently visually documenting life at the MPIL.

Conversations can be continued over drinks after the event at the Alt-Hendesse in HandschuhsheimMühltalstraße 4, 69121 Heidelberg.

Please register at to receive the zoom link or participate in person.

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