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Sie befinden sich hier: Publikationen Archiv Völkerrechtliche Praxis der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1997

Völkerrechtliche Praxis der Bundesrepublik Deutschland im Jahre 1997

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Karen Raible

X. Diplomatie und Konsularwesen

    90. Dem Protokoll vom 19. Juni 1997 aufgrund Art. K.3 des Vertrages über die Europäische Union und von Art. 41 Abs. 3 des Europol-Übereinkommens über die Vorrechte und Immunitäten für Europol, die Mitglieder der Organe, die stellvertretenden Direktoren und die Bediensteten von Europol (Europol-Immunitätenprotokollgesetz) wurde durch Gesetz vom 19. Mai 1998 zugestimmt.182

    91. In einer Aussprache über effektive Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung des Schutzes und der Sicherheit von diplomatischen und konsularischen Missionen und Vertretern erklärte der österreichische Vertreter Herndl im Namen der Europäischen Union am 16. November 1998 in der Generalversammlung der Vereinten Nationen:

"In the last debate which took place in the General Assembly on this item two years ago, the European Union emphasized the importance of the topic, referring to the fact that it not only addresses the effective conduct of diplomatic and consular relations but is also relevant to relations between States in general. The privileges and immunities of diplomatic and consular missions and personnel are not for personal benefit. They are granted to ensure that diplomatic and consular functions can be exercised without hindrance and thus to facilitate normal healthy exchanges between States over a wide range of subjects. Diplomatic and consular missions play a very special role in this process which is to the benefit of the exchanging States and their citizens. The collective beneficial effect on international relations in general of smoothly running diplomatic and consular relations between individual States is obvious. Considerations such as these underline the need to ensure that the relevant privileges and immunities, as recognized in general international law and as provided for in international agreements, are assured in practice. In this respect the obligation to ensure the protection, security and safety is the most vital. The EU is unreservedly committed to upholding this obligation. It welcomes further efforts, particularly through international cooperation, to ensure that the right to adequate protection, security and safety, as well as the other relevant rights and immunities, are in fact enjoyed."183

    182 BGBl. 1998 II, 974. Vgl. zum Inhalt des Europol-Immunitätenprotokollgesetzes Bank (Anm. 1), Ziff. 199.
    183 Permanent Mission of Austria to the United Nations (Anm. 14):