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Sie befinden sich hier: Institut Personen Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter/innen et al. Stemple, Derek

Derek Stemple

Senior Editor MPEiPro

Wissenschaftlicher Werdegang:

Before beginning his editorial career in academic publishing, Derek Stemple graduated from West Virginia University (United States) with a double BA in Geography and Sociology/Anthropology in 2010. After graduation, he worked as a researcher for the National Geographic Society (Washington D.C., United States) before moving to Germany and working as an editorial assistant and, later, editorial manager at the Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit (Institute of Labor Economics, IZA, Bonn, Germany).

In 2017, Derek moved to Luxembourg and began working on the Max Planck Encyclopedia of International Procedural Law (MPEiPro), eventually becoming managing editor of the publication. In his role as senior editor at MPI Luxembourg for Procedural Law, he additionally took on the editorial management and coordination responsibilities for other publications, including the Journal of World Investment and Trade and the MPI Luxembourg Research Paper Series.

Derek joined the MPIL in February 2024 as senior editor. Here, he continues his editorial role with MPEiPro.