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19.10.2020 | 10:00—13:00 | The OSCE Headquarters, Vienna (closed session)

Follow-up Book Launch: The Legal Framework of the OSCE (eds. Mateja Steinbrück Platise, Carolyn Moser, Anne Peters)

Following the presentation of the book project The Legal Framework of the OSCE in Berlin in 2019, the Office of Legal Affairs of the OSCE has invited the editors to organise another book launch at the Organisation’s Headquarters. On 19.10.2020, Dr. Mateja Steinbrück Platise will present the research results of the project to the Working Group on Strengthening the Legal Framework of the OSCE, established in 2009 by the Chairmanship of the Organisation and composed of Permanent Representatives of the OSCE Participating States. The presentation will be followed by a discussion with all three editors.



Dezember 21

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