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Sie befinden sich hier: Institut Personen Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter/innen et al. Ehemalige Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter/innen - Referent/innen am Institut Futhazar, Guillaume

Guillaume Futhazar

Senior Research Fellow 2018-2022

Main Fields of Research:

International Governance; International Environmental Law; Interactions between Science and Law; Biological Diversity

Academic Career until 2022

2018-2022: Senior Research Fellow at the MPIL

2013-2018: Ph.D. Candidate in Public Law at the CERIC (Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches Internationales et Communautaires) -  Aix-Marseille University

Research title: "The modalities of influence of the IPBES on the evolution of international environmental law in the Mediterranean"

Research under the supervision of Sandrine Maljean Dubois and Wolfgang Cramer

2011-2013: Master in International and European Environmental Law - Aix-Marseille Univeristy (A-Midex Excellency Label)

2008-2011: Law degree -  University of Reunion Island - Aix-Marseille University