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You are here: Research Research Areas Public International Law MPIL 100 Blog



Philipp Glahé

Alexandra Kemmerer

About the Project:

The Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law (MPIL), which has been continuing the tradition of the Berlin foundation in Heidelberg since 1949, can now look back on 100 years of history. By analysing current legal problems, the MPIL not only contributes to the theoretical development of law, but it also advises national, European, and international institutions. Throughout its history, the Institute and its staff have been involved in pioneering legal and political developments and have often made (legal) history themselves. Thus, there are ample reasons to commemorate and reflect on the historical development of the institute and its contribution to science and practice on the special occasion of the anniversary.

The MPIL100 blog aims to identify and fill historical gaps, but also to stimulate further questions. It will rethink current issues in the MPIL’s fields of research in their historical context and also look at the protagonists who have worked at the institute over the past 100 years.

MPIL100 aims to facilitate an inclusive, dynamic, and interconnected form of multi-perspective historiography and its transmission. We invite researchers from various disciplines to participate in our project. Active and former members of the Institute are just as welcome as external researchers. Reflecting on an institution and its protagonists over time should also stimulate and enable a discussion of today’s actors and conditions of legal knowledge production. We invite you to participate and look forward to welcoming committed contributors and an eager audience.

Staff Member(s):

Áine Fellenz

Sarah Gebel